(Volume 1, Issue 4)
Topic of the week: Independent Thinking
Geoff Gannon is an investor and writer from New Jersey living in Texas. He provides a perspective on how investing results are based on two factors: (1) quality opportunities, and (2) honest, independent thinking. The framework is useful in non-investing fields:
There are two parts to making money in the stock market. The first part is riding nicely compounding public companies the exact same way you’d ride a private business. The second part is thinking independently enough to take advantage of the far more numerous group thinkers that trade the stock you own. Your investment results will be the product of these two factors.
In non-investing fields, this way of thinking suggests that one should choose a sound objective, be honest with yourself whether you are unique, and have courage to go boldly forward in your own way. This takes independent thinking and patience. Most of us, most of the time, however, are biased and not independent thinkers.
Quote of the week
"If you absolutely can't tolerate critics, then don't do anything new or interesting."
- Jeff Bezos
Three recent articles
1. Simple but effective criticial thinking cheetsheet. Can be used for any situation at any age.
2. Dr. James Hamblin shines a light on the mental health pandemic within the COVID-19 pandemic. Prevalence of depression and anxiety during normal times is 5% to 7%. During today's times, prevalence may be as high as 50%. This spike is pushing the U.S. health system into a multi-layered crisis, writes the Washington Post. Mr. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the UN, reinforces the point that mental health programs are an essential part of governments' COVID-19 response.
3. Morgan Housel, Partner at the Collaborative Fund, recollects how a defining moment early in his life changed his perspective on risks.